berea bible study

Come join us Friday nights, as we work our way through the Bible in the order and time-line it was written in. See how events unfold and take place, learning the story as the narrative was meant to be heard. We will learn about the cultures of the times, practices, beliefs, and other historical events that took place that will help to make sense of some of the more confusing passages we find.

We want to make the scriptures come alive for you and are very excited about exploring the world of the Bible.
This is a discussion type class, and it will be only as intense as you want it to be. Participation can range from just coming to the class and listening all the way to optional take-home study extras. You take it on whatever level you would like! So it’s going to be a great class for everyone from beginners in the journey to scholars of the faith. There’s something for everyone!


Friday Nights @ 6:00 PM


Watts Bar Community Church


Chronological Bible Study

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