
- Empowering Spiritual Warriors -

Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

Psalms 144:1
Battlegrounds is a dedicated small group committed to understanding and engaging in spiritual warfare. In an intimate and supportive environment, members gather to explore biblical teachings, share personal experiences, and develop strategies for overcoming spiritual challenges. Through prayer, study, and fellowship, Battlegrounds aims to equip individuals with the spiritual armor needed to stand firm against the forces of darkness. Whether you're a seasoned believer or new to the faith, Battlegrounds provides a safe space to grow in spiritual resilience and victory. Join us in this transformative journey and become part of a community that stands strong together on the spiritual frontlines.


Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm


Watts Bar Community Church
412 Student Building


In-depth class on spiritual warfare.

He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You make your saving help my shield, and your right hand sustains me; Your help has made me great. You provide a broad path for my feet, so that my ankles do not give way.

Psalms 18:34-36

Meet The Leaders

Brad & Melody Schion

Brad and Melody have been married since 2013. Both were kids that grew up in pastors homes. Melody was born on the mission field and had to learn from a very young age how to do spiritual warfare. She is a graduate of CFNI in Dallas, TX.  She served in her grandfather's church as a music pastor for 10 years. She met Brad  while serving as a principal of a school on the Navajo Indian reservation.

 Brad was raised by Christian parents in South Louisiana. They served in his grandfather's church and was made aware of the supernatural and demonic at an early age. Bradley was involved in church ministry most of his life and went to Teen Mania Ministries Honor Academy. Afterwards, he joined the Coast Guard and served 12 years as Maritime Law Enforcement Petty Officer. In 2015 Brad and Melody moved to East Tennessee to follow Melody's sister to Watts Bar Community Church.

While in Tennessee, Bradley joined the Army National Guard as an truck driver/Military Police Soldier. They now serve faithfully at WBCC, Brad serves  as the audio engineer and Melody on worship team. Together they feel the calling to equip others to stand against the enemy that would cause harm to their mind, heart, soul, and body and teach them to fight for themselves, their family, and friends and to declare the promises God has given them!

Study Materials

The class will be going through the book, Everyone’s Guide to Demons and Spiritual Warfare by Ron Phillips. The book is NOT required to join Battlegrounds but you are welcome to purchase it and follow along!

Join The Battle!

Fill out the form below to join Battlegrounds.  Once you complete the form, your team leaders will reach out to you!

Something Worth Fighting For ...

Join the Battlegrounds community thread in the Watts Bar Community Church app. Stay connected with group members, communicate, and stay up to date with upcoming events.